Research was done to explore ideas for an Australian Super Bowl TV commercial, that complied with the framework of advertising and consumer protection in Australia – the ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) and the ASB (Advertising Standards Bureau).
Product: Specialty hand-crafted Australian lager
Target Audience: US beer drinkers – particularly during 'The Super Bowl'
Single Minded Proposition: Experience the thunder (or own strapline)
Goal: You don’t have to be an Aussie to experience the Thunder.
"Introducing Thunder Bay’s new crisp and refreshing lager.
Experience the thunder from Downunder. Now available at 711."
Strategy: Make the viewer want to experience the thunder (Downunder).
Single Minded Proposition: It'll make you as calm as Hugh Jackman and as cool as Wolverine.
Target Audience: US beer drinkers – particularly during 'The Super Bowl'
Single Minded Proposition: Experience the thunder (or own strapline)
Goal: You don’t have to be an Aussie to experience the Thunder.
"Introducing Thunder Bay’s new crisp and refreshing lager.
Experience the thunder from Downunder. Now available at 711."
Strategy: Make the viewer want to experience the thunder (Downunder).
Single Minded Proposition: It'll make you as calm as Hugh Jackman and as cool as Wolverine.

*Image/logo was supplied.

Hand-rendered Illustrated Storyboarded Script – Created with Adobe Illustrator, indesign & Photoshop.
Alternative Ideas Were Explored
Original hand-rended illustrations & concepts
Original hand-rended illustrations & concepts