Research, Design Layout, Video Editing & Vocal Presentation:
The 2017 Organic Matter Movement presentation cover of mossy rocks, by Anderssen Creative.
A range of products that were produced with sustainable resources, by Anderssen Creative.
Jewell Changi airport Development, indoor waterfall and gardens, by Anderssen Creative.
Examples of recycled textiles, indoor plants, wood, organic homewares, by Anderssen Creative.
Examples of interior design, natural looking colours and textiles, by Anderssen Creative.
Places to find organic inspiration (logos on a mossy background), by Anderssen Creative.
Picture logos displayed over faded photos and recycled Paper Stock are fashionable, by Anderssen Creative.
Products featuring typography / fonts that look hand written, by Anderssen Creative.
Products featuring minimalistic design, by Anderssen Creative.
Chocolate brand featuring minimalistic design, by Anderssen Creative.
Paper companies that support sustainable practices, by Anderssen Creative.
Companies that support sustainable practices, by Anderssen Creative.
Recap of images, examples of colrs, textiles and organic homewares.
Neon images, prediction for a new style as Trump and Kim Jon Ung  try to destroy the world.
Image sources referenced as links
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